What Kind of Friend You Are, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Three women sitting together at a skate park, staring into the distance.

By Amelia Quint

Dating compatibility aside, have you ever thought about the energy different zodiac signs bring to their friendship circle? Every sign vibes differently, so naturally, some might choose to chill with friends by watching reality TV, while others prefer catching up over dinner and drinks. Curious to find out what kind of friend you are according to your sign? Read on to discover what you bring to your social set—and don’t forget to share in the group chat. 


If your friend group is your home team, you’re the captain. Aries is known for being bold and confident, which means you’re always down to suggest the time and place for your next hangout or round up everyone for an impromptu dinner. Your friends love you because they know they can count on you for a pick-me-up speech or a toast in honor of their latest win. 


If anyone in your circle of friends needs a restaurant recommendation, you’re the first person they’d call. A culture critic at heart, you live to share the coolest foodie, drink, and art spots with your loved ones. You believe life is meant to be savored, which makes you the ideal companion for café-hopping, or checking out the latest restaurant opening. 


Gemini is the sign of communication, so it’s only natural that you’d be the best storyteller in your social circle. You’re always “adding to your lore”, and your friends are on the edge of their seats for the latest updates. You get bonus points for being a lightning-fast text responder who never lets the group chat get boring. 


The phrase “Let’s stay in,” is music to your ears, Cancer. Home is your safe space, and you love being able to share it with your friend group. You’ve got a knack for knowing just what puts people at ease, which is why you’re the person they turn to for heartfelt chats. Your go-to strategy for getting friends to open up? A nostalgic snack selection to accompany a night full of 90s rom-coms. 


In astrology, Leo is ruled by the sun, and, let’s be honest, you’re the sun in your friendship circle, Leo. You’ve got a warmth that draws people in and makes them feel like they can be their authentic selves. You light up every room you enter, but you truly sparkle when you’re surrounded by your friends. 


Just so you know Virgo, everyone in your friend group secretly thinks you’re a genius. A crossword champion with a penchant for solving puzzles, you love a deep dive into trending topics or a games night with your besties. You’ve got a unique way of thinking, and your friends love that about you. 


Libra is the sign of relationships, which is why you’re the first person your friends text when they get back from a date. You’re a total romantic, with a sixth sense for shifting social dynamics, which is why other people appreciate your skills as a mediator. A diplomat at heart, you’ve got a talent for knowing how to play peacemaker in almost any situation, no matter how tense.


In your friend group, you’re the one trusted with everyone’s deepest secrets. Once something goes into your vault, it’s locked away for good, and that kind of security gives your friends the vulnerability to be truly authentic with you. You’re comfortable chatting about topics other people might consider weird, and when you say you don’t judge, you actually mean it. 


Your sign has a reputation for being a bit of a party animal, and your friends love that about you, but, it’s not the only thing you’re known for. You’re an explorer who’s always on the lookout for your next adventure—that’s why you’re the ideal travel buddy. You love discovering new places with your favorite people, no matter how far-flung. 


Capricorns are go-getters, and when it comes to your social circle, you mean business. You know that networking is about so much more than just making connections—it’s really about building strong relationships with people who have the same drive as you. You spend your time and money wisely and are invested in your friends’ successes as if they were your own. 


Social norms? You’ve never heard of them. When it comes to friendship, you’re here to redefine what it means to connect and belong. Whether that means starting a community around a niche interest or championing a cause close to your heart, your ahead-of-the-curve sign often feels like the outsider in groups, which is why you’re the most welcoming. 


You’re a sensitive soul Pisces. You love sharing your emotions in song lyrics and movie quotes—and it’s also why you’re drawn to people who share that sense of spirituality. In other words, your friends know you’re the person to call if they want to discuss meditation or chat about the effects of the latest Mercury Retrograde.