A Match Made in Heaven Helped Two Musicians Form the Perfect Duet

When music-lovers Tania and Ryan began to get tired of singing solos, they turned to Bumble to help add a little more harmony to their lives—only to discover that what they were searching for had been just one street away the whole time. Almost two years later, the couple is going still strong, with their musical duo, RYT, gaining national attention by appearing on the latest season of The Voice (UK). Read more about these future fan-favorites’ journey below!  

When did you match on Bumble?

We first matched on Bumble in October 2016.

How long did it take to meet up after matching? What did you do for your first meet up/date?

We ended up going for our first date in one of our local pubs (The Boaters Inn along the River in Kingston) after only a few days of chatting, after discovering we only lived 1 road apart, and had all of the same interests!

Tania, what was the first message you sent on Bumble?

Ryan’s profile didn’t give too much away, so I wasn’t drawn to message straight away, but when I did, in the end, I kept it quite generic, with ‘Hey … How are you, I see you’re a musician too?’

Ryan, what was your first reply back?

Tania’s profile did give quite a lot away, and I could see from her pictures she was a musician, and she’d also put a link up to her Facebook Music page, so I’d had a cheeky stalk before she’d messaged me! (haha) I tried to keep it chilled when I eventually got a message from her though, and said something along the lines of ‘Hey, I sure am, would be great to grab a drink some time, or have a jam if you fancy it?’

Tania, how did this match feel different?

I think as soon as you see someone’s photos who has the same interests and hobbies as you, it’s an instant connection. It was a pleasant surprise to see Ryan playing the piano and singing in his photos.

Ryan, how did this match feel different?

Yeah, I agree, it’s quite rare to find someone who loves all the same things as you, and it helps we were instantly attracted to each other too!

Tania, what was your first impression of Ryan? How did you feel before the first date?

Well, as soon as I got home from our first date, I was straight on the phone to my mum, telling her how amazing it was, how well we got on, and what a connection we had. (I might’ve even gone as far as saying… ‘I think I’ve found him’ .. but shh!

Ryan, what was your first impression of Tania? How did you feel before the first date?

I ended up arriving about half an hour early on our first date, so thought I’d sneak in a couple of pints to calm my nerves before Tania got there! We instantly got along, and felt so comfortable with each other, that since the first date neither of us used Bumble again to speak to anyone else, as we were pretty sure it was going to lead to something more! And it seems we were right!

Tania, what do you consider a unique aspect of your relationship now?

I think it’s fair to say, we are both so happy that we’ve found someone who shares all of our same dreams, aspirations and morals. To be able to share our love for music with each other, is just perfect.

Ryan, what do you consider a unique aspect of your relationship now?

Yep, I never thought I’d find someone who I could love this much and be lucky enough to share the music side of things with too! It’s the perfect combination.

Where are you now? Where are you headed in the future?

Well, we moved in together last summer, which has been such fun (it’s like having a sleepover every night with your best pal!). Beyond that, we’ve been lucky enough to be chosen to be on The Voice this year, and we’ve landed a spot on Team Olly. We’re super excited about that, and are taking all the great opportunities which have come to us since then and running with them, so we shall see how that all goes! We’re also planning on getting our own little place in the next year or so, and hopefully then we can get a little dog to add to the crazy music house too!

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