Your September Love Horoscope, According to Your Star Sign

By Valerie Mesa

As the end of summer gets closer, September kicks the energy into high gear with the sun in Virgo, a zodiac sign that has everything to do with accountability. This is not only a perfect time to regroup and get organized, but a chance to reflect on your dating life ahead of fall and ask yourself: what do you really want?

On September 4, idealistic Jupiter will retrograde and begin to slow down, encouraging you to do the same in order to re-evaluate your dating goals. Take a look at your Bumble matches and really think about who might be the right fit for you.

The new moon in Virgo on September 14 will also bring a much-needed reset to your dating life, followed by Mercury coming out of retrograde the following day. Mercury is the planet of communication, so if you happen to run into silly misunderstandings with your crush, tensions will likely smooth over once the messenger planet goes direct on the 15th. This happens just in time for the beginning of Libra season—which also happens to be cuffing season—on September 23, which marks a time for establishing balance and harmony in your relationships.

Wondering what the stars have in store for your love life this September? Read on for both your and your Bumble crush’s sun and rising signs.


With your assertive planetary ruler, Mars, moving through your seventh house of relationships this month, you’re prioritizing the idea of commitment and feeling the desire to connect, making it a great time to get to know your Bumble crush better. Love planet Venus will be pulling focus towards your love life all month, but the full moon in your sign on the 29th brings a full circle moment which could have you feeling torn about your relationships. Remember to trust your instincts.


Your sensual planetary ruler, Venus, comes out of retrograde on the 3rd, which may feel like you’re getting your mojo back. However, aside from the undeniable perks that come with being ruled by the goddess of love, Venus will clarify what you believe to be meaningful in the area of dating and romance. There will also be a new moon in Virgo on the 14th, presenting you with a clean slate in your love life. Take some time on this date to open Bumble and see which profiles come your way. In addition to feeling compelled to open your heart to new matches, you’re also especially aware of what you can improve in your approach to dating. 


For you, Gemini, September is all about setting the record straight and telling your Bumble crush how you really feel. Not that you’ve ever had a problem saying what’s on your mind, but communication is bound to improve once your planetary ruler, Mercury, comes out of retrograde and settles its energy on the 15th. It also helps that love planet Venus will be landing in your communication sector at the beginning of the month, so take advantage of this time when you may feel more comfortable expressing yourself, while remaining assertive and self-aware in your romantic connections. 


With Venus landing in your second house of values and self-worth on the 3rd, get ready to embrace clarity and momentum in your dating life. Where you might’ve settled in previous relationships for the sake of staying in your comfort zone, you’re taking your power back with confidence and courage this month—so don’t be afraid to date outside of your usual type. Feeling called to refresh your Bumble profile? The new moon on the 14th is the perfect opportunity to do so as it marks a time that represents a new beginning that’s swirling with potential.


Upload that new Bumble profile picture, Leo! As alluring Venus officially lands in your sign on the 3rd, the timing couldn’t be better. You’re feeling yourself, and well, so is everyone else. When a charming new moon in Virgo touches down in your second house of pleasure and values on the 14th, you could be presented with a new-found sense of appreciation for activities that delight your senses. So, if you were contemplating what kind of date to plan with your Bumble match, a romantic dinner with a view might be the perfect scenario. 


You’re getting clear on your dating goals this month, Virgo. When romantic Venus goes direct and lands in your twelfth house of intuition on the 3rd, it’ll not only heighten your instincts, but also clarify your sense of direction. Take some time here to reflect on your dating intentions and make sure they align with what you really desire. Mercury coming out of retrograde on the 15th will certainly put some pep back in your step, as it’s your planetary ruler regaining its strength, so it wouldn’t hurt to wait until then to make important decisions. Either way, a full moon in Aries on September 29 will charge up your intimate eighth house, so it’s time to decide whether a certain budding relationship is worth the investment.


It’s nearly your birthday season, Libra! And with your dazzling planetary ruler Venus coming out of retrograde, you’ll want to double check your buzzing social calendar. You’ll be wanting to see friends and fill your diary, but make sure to carve out some time for a date with your Bumble match. One thing’s for sure, you’re in your element, and the sun’s debut in your sign on the 23rd is the glow-up you never knew you needed. Dare to message your crush an invitation to your birthday? The cosmos fully supports your desire to take the lead, and a passionate full moon in Aries on the 29th will bring clarity and validation if you’ve been feeling indecisive about someone.


You’re redefining your public persona this month, Scorpio, as passionate Venus goes direct and lights up your tenth house of reputation on the 3rd. You may be feeling the desire to stand out on Bumble, so go ahead and refresh your profile. You’ll have the confidence and courage to list everything from your personal hobbies to what you’re genuinely looking for in a partner. This clarity will help bring the connections you seek. This is especially true with hopeful Jupiter kicking off its introspective retrograde cycle on the 4th. It’ll bring clarity and perspective to your dating goals by encouraging you to ask: Is there an equal amount of give and take in this potential partnership? What does my ideal relationship look like?


With the sun energizing your 10th house of authority, you’ve never been more eager to take the lead, Sagittarius. Fortunately for you, romantic Venus will come out of retrograde on the 3rd, meaning you’ll be inspired to take a leap of faith in the name of love. So go ahead and ask your Bumble crush out on a date! And though your celestial ruler, Jupiter, will retrograde shortly after, this is an opportunity for you to clarify who is worthy of your time and energy, as it’ll slow down in order to help you reassess next steps. But when the full moon in Aries takes hold on the 29th, it’s best to avoid plans and expectations as your passions will be running high, so just follow your intuition.


You’re approaching intimacy in a whole new way, Capricorn. This is all thanks to the end of Venus’s retrograde journey that started back on July 22, but the planet of love will officially reset and station direct on September 3. Since July, what have you discovered about your romantic attachments, and the way you make your desires known? Jupiter retrograde will continue to highlight these reflections in your personal life on the 4th, as it’ll ignite your fifth house of authenticity, passion, and self-expression. Think about your romantic ideals, and what’s practical for your dating life. The new moon in Virgo on the 14th could put your relationships under a microscope, so know that it’s ok to Unmatch with anyone on Bumble who you don’t see a future with—just consider sending them a message first to ensure you’re unmatching with kindness. 


September is swirling with opportunities for you, Aquarius. To kick things off, love planet Venus will be going direct, landing in your relationship sector on the 3rd, which brings momentum back to your dating life. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly match with someone you swiped right on a while ago, or if you feel a pull to reschedule the Bumble dates you put on hold at the beginning of summer. Wondering how to get the ball rolling with your crush? The new moon in Virgo on the 14th and Mercury retrograde on the 15th will bring clarity and momentum to your eighth house of intimate unions, so this is a chance for you to partake in more heart-to-heart conversations on Bumble. Ready for the big date? It wouldn’t hurt to wait until the full moon on the 29th to shoot your shot, as the energy will motivate and inspire you to take action.


Self-love is attractive, Pisces. This is especially significant to consider in September, as love planet Venus comes out of retrograde on the 3rd and inspires you to take a breather. This means if you’ve been overthinking your dating life, you’ll have the confidence and courage to make more room to prioritize yourself, and feel your best in the process. (See here for your self-care strategy, according to your moon sign.) This happens just in time for the new moon in Virgo on the 14th, which will present you with a clean slate in the area of relationships and romantic connections. Took too long to reply to your Bumble match? When Mercury comes out of retrograde on the 15th of this month, it’s a prime time for opportunities to come back around for a second chance. Don’t hesitate to use this period to take the plunge and use Extend or Rematch.