What Makes a Good Bumble Bizz Profile?

Here at Bumble, we’re constantly looking for ways to make connecting safer and easier. 

Our latest innovation for connection in the networking world is Bumble Bizz. Every swipe is an opportunity to expand your network and make empowered career moves!

Bumble Bizz instantly connects you with potential mentors, industry leaders, brands — and maybe your next business partner. 

In order to help you find your most important business connection on Bumble Bizz, we’re giving you six profile cards. Think of them as six opportunities to make an impression that both shows off your skills and reflects your personality. You don’t have to fill out all six cards, but we encourage you to use them to show off your best work!

Below are our suggestions for how to arrange your Bizz profile cards. This card order definitely isn’t mandatory! We want you to be yourself, so arrange your profile cards any way you like.


Use this card for a photo of yourself! This card will be your potential connection’s introduction to you, so use an image that best reflects your professional goals. Our photo verification tool lets users know that you are who you say you are, so if you haven’t verified your profile yet, we suggest you do it.


Here you could include a mini-resume that you can create using our “Fill in the Blank” templates, which you might have seen on Bumble’s Instagram Stories – but if not, you can save the ones below.

3 and 4

Why not use these two profile cards to showcase your best work? (Think of it as a mini-portfolio.) Upload images of websites you’ve designed, logos of companies you’ve worked for, or pictures of you on the job – whatever you think best represents you and your work!


Snap a picture of your workspace for this card. It can be a photo of your desk, your home office, your favorite spot at your local coffee shop, or anywhere else you get work done! 


You could use this final card to show off some personality! Tell potential connections about your hobbies outside off work, the quote you live your life by, or anything that lets others get a better feeling for who you are. Or, just include anything here that you think will leave a lasting positive impression with your potential connection!

Now that you have your images all set, what about your bio? 

You may notice your bio on Bumble Bizz is slightly different: There’s room for a Headline in addition to the About Me section. The Headline is minimum 100 characters, so use this space to give a brief outline of who you are and why you’re on Bumble Bizz! 

The About Me can be more extensive. You have more space for details about your skills, previous roles, and what you’re hoping to get out of Bumble Bizz. 

Don’t forget to add previous work history and education! This info might be useful for potential connections to know.

Now you’re ready to start connecting with your next business partner, mentor, brand connection, and anyone in between. You have the power to change your professional life from the palm of your hand with Bizz, so take advantage! Happy swiping!