Bumble BFF Success Story: Hayley + Ashley

Hayley and Ashley met on Bumble BFF in August 2016 and became roommates and BFFs just one short month later. Below is their story in their own words! 

“Graduate college, get a job, and move to the big city – sounds like the perfect plan, right? In theory, yes. But once you get to the part of actually doing it … not so much. The hardest part? Finding a roommate. After weeks of going through mutual friends, Facebook groups, and even Craigslist, we both gave up hope of finding the perfect roommate. Then we found Bumble BFF.

We guess you could call it roommates at first swipe. Once we matched (and had a very awkward introductory convo discussing where we were from and random mutual friends), we decided to meet that week at a local Starbucks. Within the first five minutes of meeting, we decided to take a leap of faith and agreed to move in together. Deciding to live with someone you’ve known for only five minutes is normally not the smartest move, but we got lucky.

From dealing with crazy landlords to racing other roomies to pay a deposit, we bonded over the struggle of getting an apartment in L.A. Now we call the perfect little pink building on a street lined with palm trees home. When we aren’t at work, you can find us exploring the city and trying just about every workout studio it has to offer. We’ve formed a great group of friends, are regulars at a local restaurant, and even made an Instagram to show off our relatable roomie adventures! (Follow us @roommates101.)

Looking back, we never would have imagined finding the perfect roommate from an app widely known for dating, but we did.

The moral of the story? You CAN find the perfect friend – even a roommate – with Bumble BFF. We hope you find your match! ;)”

Thank you to Hayley and Ashley for sharing your story with us. We’re thrilled you found your platonic match on Bumble BFF! 

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